Spain, 8pm. Thousands of citizens go out their windows and balconies to clap their hands resoundingly. Why? To acknowledge the work of healthcare professionals in their fight against Covid-19. Since March 14, 2020 this is an emotional routine that happens every day. A sincere tribute to the professionals who are working their fingers to the bone to fight against coronavirus.
However, we believe that this tribute to healthcare professionals should not only be a symbolic applause, but it should also lead to healthcare professionals (from ancillary staff to specialists) be able to perform their job in optimal conditions. In the recent years, the public healthcare system has suffered from big budget cuts in Spain, which has had an impact on the working conditions of healthcare professionals and has had a very negative impact on patient care. Healthcare professionals increasingly feel more workload, work in more stressful conditions and have fewer resources. Besides, they have seen how their income has also been reduced year after year.
For these reasons, besides thanking healthcare professionals for the great work there are doing to get us all out of this healthcare crisis, we also want to:
1. Thank the great work they do daily to allow patients from any social situation to have the best medical care possible.
2. Demand that the public healthcare system is strengthened, investing all the necessary resources so that healthcare professionals can do their jobs in optimal conditions (both working and economic ones).
The crisis caused by Covid-19 has shown the importance of not cutting down the budget allocated in hospital beds, ICU sites or healthcare professionals… We would like to think that this situation will help us reflect on and understand the importance of having a strong public healthcare system. We must thank the work of healthcare professionals every day, not just in such serious situations.